Palm tree that can reach more than 20m in height, with leaves that reach up to 9m in length. It is distributed across the states of MA, PI, TO and PA.
Powerful emollient, alternative to Coconut oil. Its grease composition is light, rich in lauric acid. Quickly absorbed by the skin and slightly intense touch, it has great versatility in skin and hair care. Also great for massages.
The chestnut tree is a very large, majestic and leafy tree, often reaching 50 m in height and more than 2 m in base. Its fruit is called hedgehog and contains around 18 almonds (brown) inside. To remove the almonds it is necessary to break the hedgehog, which has a very hard shell and does not open spontaneously.
Promotes strengthening of the skin barrier. Rich in omega 6 and 9, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids, phytosterols, amino acids and vitamins A and E, presenting highly moisturizing and nourishing activity for skin and hair.
It is a recognized and powerful antioxidant, pro-aging, preventing skin aging, as well as an excellent conditioner for damaged and dehydrated hair.
Currently, Brazil is the world's largest producer of passion fruit, and Pará is one of the states with large-scale cultivation.
Passion fruit oil stands out for reducing skin oiliness due to its richness in bioflavonoids, in addition to high concentrations of omega 6 – in the form of linoleic acid, omega 9, vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
Due to its sebum-regulating action, it also provides rapid absorption, promoting a velvety touch to the skin. Revitalizing, combats sagging and revitalizes oily scalp and hair, giving it volume and lightness.
The Patauá tree is a palm tree that grows both on dry land and in more humid forest environments.
Considered the Amazonian olive, it is rich in omega 9, and due to its high content of oleic acid and amino acids, it is an excellent moisturizer and revitalizer, restoring the health of the skin, hair and scalp.
It has a light and non-greasy feel.
Ingredient world famous for its coloring power. Small plant native to the Amazon region.
It has soothing properties for the skin and antioxidants, due to its high carotenoid content.
Moisturizes, protects against premature aging and sunlight.
Promotes rapid and complete skin absorption.
Coming from agroforestry systems, it helps forest regeneration.
Strengthens the skin barrier with improved skin elasticity and long-lasting moisturizing activity. Rich in stearic acid (phytosterols) that regulate water balance and the activity of lipids in the surface layer of the skin.
Palm tree native to the Amazon region, characteristic of high terra firma, low vegetation cover, or even clean fields.
Rich in lauric acid, provitamin A and beta-carotene. Maintains the skin's moisture balance and strengthens the hair fiber.
100% natural alternative to silicones. Provides high spreadability and light texture, promoting an exclusive sensation.